A variety of natural chews to choose from. Keep in that that since they are natural items, they may vary slightly by colour and size!
2cm Munch Balls from $0.29
3cm Munch Balls from $0.39
4cm Munch Balls from $0.69
8cm Vine Cup Out of stock
Mini Vine Star from $0.49
Large Vine Star from $0.99
2" Vine Ring from $0.49
4” Vine Twists from $0.59
Mini Vine Heart from $0.59
Natural Loofah Loaf $2.99
Natural Loofah Slices Out of stock
Palm Flower from $0.79
Vine Chain Out of stock
Seagrass Bowl $5.99
Mini Unpeeled Willow Ball $4.99
Jumbo Willow Ball Out of stock
Bundle of Willow Out of stock
3" Unpeeled Willow Mini Chew Ring $2.99
Jumbo Unpeeled Willow Ring $5.99
Unpeeled Willow Candy Cane $3.99
Unpeeled Willow Toy Box Out of stock
Jumbo Unpeeled Willow Toy/Hay Box Out of stock
Unpeeled Willow Cube $9.99
Seagrass Mat Out of stock
Seagrass Rope $0.60
Oxbow Apple Wood Bundle $8.99
Mega Grapevine Wreath $14.49